No one should ever face a traumatic event alone.
Let us lend a professional hand.
Originally designed for responders to traumatic events, critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) is a structured, brief intervention provided in a small group setting immediately following a crisis. It's designed to help people process the event to minimize symptoms of traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety. Fremont Counseling Service staff are available to provide critical incident stress debriefing services to agencies and facilities in our communities. Please call our offices for more information about this community service. We hope you never need to, but we're ready if you do.
Critical incident stress debriefing can address:
Catastrophic fires
Mass shootings
Workplace violence
Serious accidents
Natural disasters
Industrial disasters
Critical incident stress is different than post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Critical incident stress is the more immediate natural responses to an event while PTSD symptoms may take longer for symptoms to appear and/or subside. When you call and ask for a critical incident debriefing, our clinical director will speak with you about what happened, your team’s needs, and what to expect. A meeting can be scheduled as soon as possible, or a few days later, depending on your team’s needs.
For more on Critical Incident Stress, see U.S. Dept. of Labor/OSHA page on Critical Incident Stress
Stress caused by criticial incidents doesn't just go away by itself. If ignored, the trauma can cause disruptions to mental health and well-being long after the event itself. Fremont Counseling Service takes seriously the responsibility of helping to navigate the unthinkable so that our community may address its trauma and move forward in a healthy manner.